Our Events
We make our own fun at M. Wells.
Stay in touch for news about our food parties and other live entertainment.
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Look forward to hosting you again somewhere SOON!
MEAT PIES, November 24th - December 30th 2024
Tourtières, otherwise known as Quebecois meat pies, are available once again at M. Wells this holiday season. Meat pies are 9" each packed with braised beef, smoked chicken, spiced pork, potatoes, onions and mushrooms, the filling is completely cooked and the pie comes frozen and ready to bake at home. It serves 4 to 6 people and may be kept in freezer well wrapped for up to 3 months. Go HERE to order.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving Day FEAST
Chef Hugue Dufour worked out a fabulous Thanksgiving feast based on Québec's celebratory New Year dinner gathering or 'Nouvel An.'
With live, sweet musical accompaniment by the British-Americana troubadours A Different Thread.
"Dinner begins with a Ragu" says Hugue as he prepared to braise the turkey legs and pig trotters and explained the Quebecois-style dish which is traditionally served around the new year. It has a rich, sticky, restorative broth with sautéed parts, pulled meat and Heather's incredible meatballs and pigs feet croquettes with truffles, followed by Heritage turkey with perfect crispy skin and our Foie Gras Bread Pudding stuffing, a classic every year, plus more savory stuff. The Maple Fudge is wonderful and we have it in ice cream along with a deep dish Apple Pie. Dinner is $95. Reserve HERE.
SUNDAY BRUNCH, November 17th 11 am - 3pm
This Sunday Brunch menu will feature specials from our friends at Famille Migneron from Charlevoix, Québec and Northern Rose Spirits, an importer right here in Long Island City, bringing together fine products from up north to guests of M. Wells.
Famille Migneron de Charlevoix is an award winning artisan cheese factory located in Baie Saint Paul, Québec; they opened their own craft distillery in order to recuperate the whey generated by their cheese production.
Kristin Pike a good friend and neighbor embarked on the valiant effort of bringing in these goods to the East Coast legally, Northern Rose Spirits. We are plying our offerings with Booze from Boobs plus all that good Cheese.Another neighbor DJ RepoMan is playing vinyl 45s all day. Swing through 11am - 3pm.
Following the principles of the circular economy, Madeleine Dufour recovers and distills the WHEY from her family cheese dairy to make the beautiful Eau-de-vie de Petit-lait. The Eau-de-vie de Petit-lait is as decadent as some of the world’s best fruit brandies for sipping, and as flexible as a vodka for your favorite cocktail.
Veteran M. Wells bartender, Hannah Harward, returns with a classic and left of center showcase of the Whey and all other Northern Rose spirits, along side a little tasting and some fun with 'Creamsicles' and Espresso Martinis along side our good-natured Brunch dishes such as the Grilled Cheese Panettone, a French Onion Soup and Camerise Shortbread (made with honeysuckle berries harvested from the little town of Les Éboulements)!
Monday, November 11th 6:30pm
The Organ Meat Society and M. Wells are excited to invite you to join a rare, nose-to-tail extravaganza this Monday at 6:30, an extraordinary event that offers offal fans the chance to savor the deliciousness of under-appreciated animal parts like kidneys, sweetbreads, intestines, blood, heart, head and everything around and in between. We prepare this feast with an M. Wells signature flair and welcome the return of our talented chefs Jenny Kellerhals and Richard Jackson.
This year’s Grande Bouffe promises an unforgettable culinary experience, a relaxed evening open to "non-members" as well. The OMS is a spirited group of gastronomically adventurous diners known for exploring NYC’s culinary “underbelly," as it was described HERE in NY Magazine by long-time member and fabulous author, Dwight Garner. We are thrilled to open reservations to the public and look forward to having M. Wells all to ourselves with a steady stream of one-of-a-kind dishes.
Check is out and Reserve HERE.
All-White Halloween Party
Thursday, October 31st 5-10pm
Come together for this All-White Halloween Party celebrating the life and death of M. Wells. The event is free and starts at 5pm through 10pm with live music, fun activities, great food and killer drinks. Food by M. Wells and Fred Hua; Music by saxofshaolin and DJ Supes Base.
The event is free, please come to support the musicians, artists and chefs behind the big Bash - be ready to eat, drink and get down, rsvp HERE.
Montauk Seafood Club
The next Dinner Package begins October 24th, this four-week Seafood Dinner subscription offers approximately 2 lbs of amazing yet simply prepared seafood dishes once a week, with a two-day Pick-up window on Thursdays and Fridays, for optimal and absolute freshness. Click HERE for more information ad to sign up Four Weeks of Dinners/$160.
New York Cider Seminar & Dinner
October 22nd - Seminar 6pm Dinner 7pm
On this Tuesday, we discover a new world of ciders and pay homage to cider making in New York, the history, the techniques, the orchardists, with tastings throughout. The fall weather beckons this lively discussion of the fermented forbidden fruit and apple culture in NY, then and now.
We are thrilled to welcome our special guests Dan Pucci, a researcher, beverage expert and author of American Cider: a Modern Guide to a Historic Beverage, along with Matt Sanford of Rose Hill Farm in Red Hook NY, he makes super great beverages of all shapes and it is a please to hear these two of the 'top of their fields' share their knowledge and stories and perspective.
Tickets to the Dinner & Seminar are HERE.
Tickets to the Seminar only are HERE.
The single variety pours and the specific apples that made them will be paired and played with during this Seminar which is also free and open to all those who reserved for Dinner too - 6pm start. Reserve HERE.
Dinner & Seminar .... After the Seminar, the Dinner will feature a long line-up from producers such as: Rose Hill Ferments, Orchard Hill Cider Hill, Greenpoint Cidery, Eve’s Cidery, Westwind Orchard and the parameters of the Menu include: Venison Carpaccio; Foie gras & Pretzels, Big Frisée Salads, Classic Choucroute, Apple Pie, Cheddar Ice Cream and Apple Pie & Maple Fudge.
A Brunch with Queens Together
October 20th - 11am
Our Queens community gave us a great start here in Long Island City 15 years ago. On Sunday, October 20th we gather many exciting elements of our menus over the years and pull them into the present day with a grand reception and une grande bouffe of a Brunch made all the more special because we are co-hosting the day with Queens Together, a group of die-hard diners, restaurateurs and community organizers. Go HERE for more INFO.
Our Brunch Menu promises to be flamboyant and diverse with three courses and waves of dishes but please note we are not able to accommodate substitutions. The event is ticketed at $65 with one seating including a Reception that begins at 11am and a family-style daytime feast at 12pm. Food, hospitality and tax included and drinks are additional. Reserve your Seat HERE.
Check your Inbox for updates on the details, as we mine the archives of our many food memories.
Let's Stick Together
September 24, 2024 at 7pm
We have a big, beautiful night planned for September 24th when we reunite with our Friends at Glasserie in Greenpoint here at home on Crescent Street. The Feast of Skewers is a celebration of unbridled independence that developed our individual styles, flavors and flare. ´Stick Together’ is a rendezvous of our two special restaurants made more poignant thanks to the friendship and familial ties amongst the chefs. Highlights from 'Stick Together' include a massive mezze, meats and marinades of all kinds and a baklava buffet. Pick up Tickets HERE (includes dinner and hospitality, drinks are additional).
Our love of Middle Eastern fare and the ease with which we built it into the M. Wells répertoire when Asi was here cooking with Hugue and Heather, and all of us were working together through a pandemic, makes for a historic, heartfelt event. We adore Glasserie and enjoy immensely what Sara and Asi create day in and day out over in Greenpoint and we are so psyched to welcome them back to M. Wells for an amazing night.
Behind the Bar, Sara C (Glasserie), Sarah O (M. Wells) and our forever friend Sarah A (Rita & Maria of BedSty) will have seductive Beverage options to suit desires and heighten the night. We bring the 'terroir' of our respective hamlets together and salute the years we provided and nourished each other and many others.
Here's to filling our last days like this ... with time spent with great people, doing what we all love to do, together with you and for you and for of course us too!
Tomato Shack 2024
August 25, 2024 Starts at 2pm
Sunday, August 25th 2-6pm TICKETS ARE HERE. **Tomato Shack 2024**: where the tables are long and led by laughter and stories and a lazy lunch that evolves over charcuterie, tarts, terrines, tartines, pastas, salad and fishes and sweets covering the runway. Tomato Shack 2024 seems to be the perfect way to get together, lounge and consume a bunch of summer food and many different varieties of this bright beacon of the garden. We have dozens of big Ball jars too and we will continue a tradition of making tomato sauce to have on hand when it gets cold. A limited number of Jars will be available for your larder too.
Do try to come on time though, please note that the afternoon’s event begins around 2pm and winds down at 6pm. Also, we know our plans, but our menu may change so hope you get the gist til we get specific. Tickets include Food and Hospitality but not Drinks.
M. Wells Summerfest Cookout
Sunday - July 14, 2024 - 2-6pm
We are thrilled to invite you back here on July 14th at 2pm to the M. Wells Summerfest: A Celebration of Independent Cooking, a lovingly loose description that allows us to go in many directions.
For our Summerfest cookout, what we do know is that there will be a Big Bouillabaisse (lobster, whole fish, clams, shrimp fennel, herbs, our bouillon), Fishdogs and Burgers, Rouille Toasts, Salads and Fruit Tarts alongside our South of France Beach Bar.
During these hot damn days of Summer, the only way to be is to be Together! Grab tickets HERE. Tickets are $95 each drinks, hospitality and tax not included. Kids 12 and under are $35 (inquire within).
Tomato Shack 2024
Sunday, August 25th 2-6pm **Tomato Shack 2024**: where the tables are long and led by laughter and stories and a lazy lunch that evolves over charcuterie, tarts, terrines, tartines, pastas, salad and fishes and sweets covering the runway. Tomato Shack 2024 seems to be the perfect way to get together, lounge and consume a bunch of summer food and many different varieties of this bright beacon of the garden. We have dozens of big Ball jars too and we will continue a tradition of making tomato sauce to have on hand when it gets cold. A limited number of Jars will be available for your larder too. Do try to come on time though, please note that the afternoon’s event begins around 2pm and winds down at 6pm. Also, we know our plans, but our menu may change so hope you get the gist til we get specific. Tickets include Food and Hospitality but not Drinks.
LIC Garage Sale & Community Swap
Sunday - June 23, 2024 - 12 - 6pm
M. Wells and City Owlets will host an **LIC Garage Sale & Community Swap**. Visit lots of folks vending the handmade, the old, the used, the overstock and the vintage for great fun sifting through the tables while listening to good music and chilling at the bar cart, grabbing lunch and hanging out.
Please sign up to Table with your neighbors and/or RSVP to attend [HERE].
In honor of our Annual Block Party (we'll reprogram that once we navigate the construction on the block!), we will have a DJ, Games, Raffles and other Activities all day and the Swap will be organized, helpful and a great way to meet neighbors.
Qui Jura, Boira
Sunday - June 2, 2024 - 6-9pm
We invite you to celebrate the harvests of springtime and the traditions, techniques and symbiotic nature of the fields of Jura.
Join us for Qui Jura, Boira a spirited evening of food and fine wines from this wildly charismatic, captivating and beloved region in the East of France tucked between Switzerland and Burgundy.
Reserve your seat HERE.
Mika, Charles and the Chefs explore its deep, classical roots and curate with a night with incredibly special wines featuring Jura’s indigenous grapes, the ‘sous voile’ aging phenomenon and the bursting ingredients of this terroir and the dishes that ensue. Mika brings us Crémants, Vin Jaunes and Macvins and more from Tissot, Ganevat, Rolet, Montbourgeau and more. Heather and Hugue will make culinary classics their own.
The vines in Jura are predominantly grown on Jurassic period limestone and marl - the name Jurassic itself being a nod to the region. The mélange of traditional grapes, the hand-harvesting, long natural drying, the barrel-aging and time honored bottling are all honored and savored in Long Island City on Sunday, June 2nd 6-9pm.
Hugue is particularly fond of drinking around Jura and appreciates its beautiful physical characteristics - the series of plateaus sub-alpine mountain range of its own, the Jura Mountains - and the omnipresent dairy farms reminiscence of where he grew up in Québec. Reserve HERE.
5+ Courses 5+ Wines $195/pp including food wine and hospitality.
Sugar Shack Pickin' Party Celebrating the end of the Maple Syrup Season with a food party on April 7th. More information HERE.
Montauk Seafood Club A special offer to get fresh local catch into the hands of home chefs starts this week.
Easter Brunch - The tradition continues with festive Spring fare and daytime dining on March 31st. Make a reservation HERE!
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
La Garagista’s wines and aperitifs are made available through intense land stewardship, harvests from orchards, vines, forests, roots and flowerbeds and the use of ancient fermentation and co-blending traditions.
The boundless, ethereal, layered - but mostly limited – bottles and blends from La Garagista unveil extraordinary dimensions of this special style of Alpine production. Fleeting as some are, we have selected and reserved memory-making cuvees to showcase La Garagista at the Tasting Seminar and Northeast Feast. Reserve your Ticket HERE.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Three Fondues Dinner & Drinks
We invite you to a Winter House party at M. Wells next Sunday January 28th at 6pm. The Three Fondues Dinner & Drinks is a melting pot of memories of the Fondues on dinner tables around Québec, from the wild game, rabbit and pickles of Alma to the endless possibilities of the Fondue Chinoise in Montréal. Ours will be a massive mélange of it all. The Dinner also reflects the long and thoughtful development of six Beverage Pairings finalized over time and after tastings and talking extensively with our expert staff.
Building our selections and pouring with Mika Gagne and Charles Prusik is pure joy. Mika researches wine and spirit portfolios with precision and distills from the world of such great choices bottles that work beautifully here at M. Wells and what our guests will both cherish and crush. Charles opened our Bar in 2013 and has contributed to the personality of our wine cellar on and off since Day One. We are honored to get to create special projects and dinners with these esteemed colleagues.
A Winter House Party is filled with fondues and hot pots, cheeses, veggies, meats, seafood, dips, sauces, breads, chocolate, fruits, sweets and 6 pairings of the best high-altitude and just the right attitudinal wines and spirits for the occasion. Both boisterous and conversational and cozy and intimate, we'll have loads of fun at this seasonal fête.
The reservations are $195 per guest for dinner, drinks and hospitality. Sign up HERE.
Sunday, New Year's Eve 2023-2024
This is our TENTH New Year's Eve fête at M. Wells central and we will be throwing down in our outer borough with a Sunday Sauce Bacchanal. Chefs Heather and Hugue, long time collaborators, friends and colleagues, are pulling together an Italian-American-Quebecois Feast with enormous displays of Antipasti, Scampis, Stuffed stuff, Testa & Truffles, Marvelous Meats and Divine Pastas. The dinner is $150 per person and is accompanied by entertainment and just the right revelry. Make your reservation for Sunday, December 31st on Resy HERE. There are two seatings at 6 and 9pm.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
M. Wells & Friends Holiday and Anniversary Market Party offered displays of vintage and Queens clothing, handmade knits, health and beauty aides, prints, affordable and eye-catching art, adorable dresses, gifts for drinkers and thinkers and a cornucopia of M. Wells edibles, sweet and savory. Crescent Street Sunday 12/10/23 from 12 noon to 7pm rain or shine, snow or sleet..
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Marathon Watch Party
On Sunday, M. Wells opens the garage gates for an Open House and annual watch party to cheer on runners of the NYC Marathon. This year our pals at Hydro-Québec join us, sponsoring the event’s Refreshment Cart and hosting curated STEAM activities for children and families including demos, projects and independent craft stations by City Owlets and M. Wells. We will have a sweet Lunch menu available for those interested and DJ Navigator will keep everyone pumped up.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Tourtières Time - Pick Up Begins
Help us help you get ready for the Holiday season. Place your orders for our traditional Meat Pies, big bulging 9" pies filled with smoked poultry, spiced ground pork and braised beef, potatoes, mushrooms, herbs and special seasoning. Each pie may feed 1 for a while or 4 to 6 folks for the night! So we can prepare your goods please get your Orders in and Shop online HERE. You can set a pick-up date starting November 21st either here at M. Wells in Long Island City or at the Carreau Club in Industry City, Brooklyn.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Join special guests from Québec as they launch their new Whey Eau-de-Vie ... and M. Wells will showcase fabulous new dishes along with cheeses and other culinary specialties made for this collaboration.
Sunday 5-8pm $85 for food and drinks. Tickets available here. HERE.
October 31, 2023
M. Wells turns into a Halloween Hub with free activities, entertainment and inspiration for the kiddies and biggies. Food and drinks offered separately. The party is from 5-12 midnight! Children and families encouraged 5-8pm. RSVP link is HERE.
July 24 - August 6, 2023
Craving the best summer plans? Come try our enticing NYC Restaurant Week prix-fixe menu July 24th –August 6th. Book a table today!
The Court Square Block Party took place on June 18, 2023. Court Square Civic Association and M. Wells bring you the people great Music, Food, Arts & Crafts, Games, Displays & Demos. The musical line-up included The Patsy Kline Project, Mamie & Tamar & L Train Brass Band, Combo Daguerre & Tape Hiss & many more participants! It’s was a great day free for all neighbors and visitors!
March-June 2023
Pooja's language teaching methods are top-notch yet chill and conversational. Year after year, students return having advanced and achieved personal goals. Pooja teaches French to young children and older learners alike, individual and group classes are available in person (at M. Wells of course!) or Online. Email Info@MagasinWells.com or EcoleDePooja@gmail.com
French Classes have recommenced at M. Wells!
Pooja has seats in the following day and night sessions:
Les Mardis (Tuesdays) 6-7pm
Les Mercredis (Wednesdays) 1-2pm et 5-6pm
Les Jeudis (Thursdays) 6-7pm!
April 16th (April 23, 2023 sold out)
Get the Lowdown on the Hoedown in our Newsletter Vol. 13 Issue 5 HERE
Where orchards of sugar maple trees cover the land, there are usually boisterous, magical places called Sugar Shacks, the dining and recreational halls attached to the maple sugaring houses of the Northeast and of course Québec! As the sap flows from the forest to the boiler room and the sweet water turns to golden and amber syrups, the adjacent
Sugar Shacks become electric.
At M. Wells, the tables are teeming with big foods and pitchers of all kinds, surrounded by friends and family, hockey, pétanque, live music and maple syrup. A great pastime we bring to Queens. The Sugar Shack stage hosts talented musicians that perform at such fabulous venues as Jalopy Theater and Barbés. We will once again play the long day away at two Sugar Shack Sundays this April. TICKETS are available HERE.
Lunar New Year January 20 - February 18 2023 !
Featured at M. Wells .... Dolls, Puppets and Lucky Snacks from around Asia
More to Come ...
New Years Eve December 31 2022 !
Mexican Mariscos Extravaganza with Seafood, Entertainment, Bubbles and Revelry. Courses and sources will run the wild and wonderful, as a fancy reflection of Chef Greg's history and our favorites from South of the Border. Dinner is $150 per person. More information revealed pronto. Reservations from 5pm to 10pm.
November 20th & December 18th Holiday Markets at M. Wells are a blast. Thank you for supporting these crafty gatherings over the last two years. 'Tis the season to enjoy new and vintage wares, homemade surprises and great fare. Contact Us if you make things and would like to participate. Write Info@MagasinWells.com
Thanksgiving Reservations from 2-8pm available HERE. Three course dinner with many dishes per course to share family-style. This menu is classic and fun with soups, salads, sides and Goose a L'Orange. Meat Pies are HERE too! Our renowned Tourtières create a seasonal buzz. beautiful centerpiece, the tourtière is packed with braised beef from PA, ground heritage pork, confit smoked turkey, It serves 4-6 guests, comes frozen and ready to bake at home. Order HERE.
Winter Semester of French! Space is available for day or evening French classes on Thursdays here at M. Wells with Pooja. One student says "Pooja is an excellent teacher. I have been trying to learn French for a long time and I feel like I am getting it. Plus, she makes class fun!" (Melissa B.) another student agrees "If you have the opportunity to partake in Pooja’s French classes, I would jump at the chance. Pooja’s is an excellent teacher to say the least. She is patient, kind, encouraging and knowledgeable. I entered her class with zero background in the French language and I can already feel the difference in understanding and speaking. Her method of teaching really stretches your brain to learn, it’s not just memorization, I never learned a language in this manner but I’m a fan and it works." (Isis M.) Wow! Allons-y! Contact Us to learn more and/or Sign Up. Write Info@MagasinWells.com
Join Us at Our Next Event
How to get here:
Located on Crescent Street in Long Island City, between 43rd Avenue and 44th Road.
For public transportation via subway, take the 7, N, or W trains to Queensboro Plaza. You can also take the 7, E, G, or M to Court Square.
For more information, find us on Instagram and online:
...and sign up for our newsletter for the latest news and events!